The Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust

The Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust

The Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust

Sargood Bequest part-funded the Hone Tuwhare Charitable trust's restoration of Hone Tuwhare's crib at Kaka Point for use as a writer's residence, Stages 1, 2 and 3. The Creative Residence - The Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust

The Creative Residence - The Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust

Kaka Point is a small, coastal com­mu­ni­ty of approx­i­mate­ly 300 per­ma­nent res­i­dents, less than a half-hour dri­ve south­east of Bal­clutha.

The Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust