Total monies granted: $366,317


180 Degrees Trust | Website $2,416
Action Education $1,500
Aventure Camp Piha Trust $1,000
Awatuna Sea Scouts $2,000
Belmont Scout Group $1,500
Capital E Wellington Museums Trust $4,000
Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust $1,500
Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations Trust $3,000
Foundation for Youth Development $2,500
Hawkes Bay Regional Sports Park Trust $3,000
Ignite Sports Trust | Website $2,500
Island Child Charitable Trust $2,000
Life Education Trust West Coast $2,000
Manapapa Playcentre $2,500
Parent to Parent Greater Canterbury $2,500
Parent to Parent Wellington $2,000
Pillars Inc $3,000
Potikohua Charitable Trust $985
Prison Fellowship NZ $2,500
Quarantine Island/ Kamau Taura Community $1,800
Spinal Cord Society $3,000
Spirit of Adventure Trust $3,000
The Malcam Charitable Trust $2,500
Tim Bray Productions $3,500
Tokomariro Community Hub $3,000
Wanaka Community House Charitable Trust $50,000
Warrington Playcentre $847
YMCA of Auckland $2,500
Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust $2,500


AFS Sargood Scholarship $8,625
Auckland Choral Society $1,500
Brass Band Association $2,000
Dunedin Civic Orchestra $2,000
Dunedin Prison Charitable Trust $5,000
Hawkes Bay Orchestral Society $1,740
Kaisen Charitable Trust $2,000
Manawatu Overtones Chorus $1,368
NZ Mountain Film Festival $3,000
Red Leap Theatre Charitable Trust $3,864
Riverlea Theatre & Arts Centre $2,000
Shakespeare Globe Centre $2,500
South Wairarapa District Council $2,250
Waikato Community Broadcasting $1,820


Alzeimers Auckland $2,000
Brianna Mckenzie $5,000
Corstorphine Kindergarten $1,500
English Language Partners NZ $1,243
Father and Child Trust $2,500
Hopeworks Foundation $2,500
Maungatautari Ecological Island trust $2,500
Mid-Canterbury Vintage Machinery Club $3,000
Morrinsville Art Gallery $3,000
New Zealand Secondary Students' Choir $8,000
Panacea Arts Charitable Trust $2,169
Peel Forest Outdoor Pursuits $2,720
Piopio College Trust Fund $2,000
Riversdale Playcentre $1,657
Volunteer Wellington $3,500
Whangarei Museum & Heritage Trust $3,000
YMCA of Auckland $2,000


Aongatete Forest Restoration Trust  $4,700
Aspiring Environmental/ Ruby Events | Website $4,630
Boyle Village Conservation Group  $3,073
Huttons Shearwater Charitable Trust | Website $2,649
Konini School $2,306
Mapua & District Community Association $2,000
Orokanui Ecosanctuary | Website $2,500
Otago Kiwi Recovery Trust  $10,000
Project Lightfoot Trust | Website $5,000
South East Kirikiriroa Community Trust $1,760
South Island Kokako Charitable Trust | Website $5,000
Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust | Website $40,000
Tongariro National Trout Centre $25,000
Tongariro National Trout Centre $10,000
Wildbase Recovery Community Trust | Website $3,500


Bike Taupo Advocacy Group | Website $3,000
Claudia Ashby $3,000
Coastguard Southern Region | Website $2,200
Jaedeci Uluvili $4,000
Jesse James Campbell $10,000
Kiwi Adventure Trust  $2,500
Korokonui School | Website $2,000
Oamaru Rowing Club $3,500
Rimutaka Inline Hockey Club | Website $875
Rotorua Tennis Club $4,520
Student Volunteer Army | Website $5,000
Whitestone Taekwondo Club $600